We ensure ordinary men live EXTRA-ordinary lives

create your financial freedom today...

The power of Trevo

Restores, Renew and Revives your anti-aging and immune function

Does your diet have nutritional gaps?

Trevo contains 174 ingredients containing amino acids, antioxidants, exotic fruits, vegetables, minerals...


At G.I.A.N.T.S, we ensure the lasting smiles are the final expressions on our clients' faces

Robert Kiyosaki

"The richest people in the world look for and build NETWORKS. Everyone else looks for work"

Welcome to G.I.A.N.T.S Africa!

We are a brand committed to ensuring ordinary men live the extraordinary lives they desire.

We want to help put the style back into your lifestyle. We encourage you to live an extraordinary life of freedom without boundaries; living debt-free; living a joyful, prosperous and purpose-filled life where and how you choose. Carefully read every article; FINANCE, HEALTH, RELATIONSHIP and ENTERTAINMENT as we use a unique style to unveil the mysteries the successful subscribe to, share testimonies from our social media platforms and at long last achieve a result of turning ZEROnaires to BILLIONaires.

Saturday 29 November 2014


Hello everyone,
I received this mail yesterday from a top C.E.O of a reputable networking company in America. I feel it wouldnt be a bad idea sharing it with you all. I believe just a few knows how this operates. Relax and read this up. I have been making cool "LEGAL" cash through this and travelled around my country sharing my secret formula in business conferences and to top executives. With this passive income, I am few steps away from achieving my dreams. Throw your questions back at me and I will be glad to reply every question and show you the way.

November 28th, 2014-- 6:08pm

"Hey Olawale,

Bryan Alton here,
I've got a quick riddle for you!

And you want to know the best part?

It's that this riddle can actually help you become
SUCCESSFUL in your online business!

Ok, so hopefully you haven't heard this one before!

But if you have, still read through this message so
that you get the lesson.

Ok... Here goes

RIDDLE QUESTION: If you started with a penny, and then
you doubled it every day for a month....at the end of
the month, how much money would you have?

Go ahead and write your guess now!


Do you have your guess?

Well, let's figure out the answer and then we'll
talk about WHY this is important to your success!

Day 1 - .01 cents

Day 2 - .02 cents

Day 3 - .04 cents

Day 4 - .08 cents

Day 5 - .16 cents

Day 6 - .32 cents

Day 7 - .64 cents

WOW - not very impressive :-(
But let's keep going

Day 8 - $1.28

Day 9 - $2.56

Day 10 - $5.12

Day 11 - $10.24

Day 12 - $20.48

Day 13 - $40.96

Day 14 - $81.92

Woo Hoo- $80 bucks and the month is half way over!

Day 15 - $163.84

Day 16 - $327.68

Day 17 - $655.36

Day 18 - $1310.72

Day 19 - $2621.44

Day 20 - $5242.88

Day 21 - $10485.76 - This is where the "tipping point" occurs

Actually this isn't looking too bad -just 10 more days to go

Day 22 - $20,971.52

Day 23 - $41,943.04

Day 24 - $83,886.08

Day 25 - $167,772.16

Day 26 - $335,544.32

Day 27 - $671,088.64

Day 28 - $1,342,177.20

Day 29 - $2,684,354.40

Day 30 - $5,368,708.80

Day 31 - $10,737,417.60

So... were you able to guess correctly?

If the final number shocked you, don't worry...it
shocked me too when I first saw this.

Now, if you don't understand what this has to do with
your success in your online business, let me explain.

See, the penny represents your work effort compounded
over time. If you notice, you go about 2/3 of the way
through the month before you start seeing any serious gains.

Just like it takes consistency to turn a penny into $10-Million,
It also takes consistency for you to reach your financial goals
as a home business entrepreneur. But with FOCUSED &
CONSISTENT action; it WILL happen!

But CONSISTENCE & FOCUS are only PART of the answer...

You still need a SYSTEM!

And that's where we come in!

I'd love to help you accelerate your success in your home based

If you're ready for my help, here's how to get started!

Visit my personal portal: TREVO LLC

Or chat me up on whatsapp (+234)8169416249, BBPIN: 768D8DB6 for fuller details.

PS: ***This is strictly business***

Best Regards,
olawale AKADIRI
Finance & Health Coach at TREVO LLC
Facebook Twitter
TREVO LLC Instagram

Friday 28 November 2014


If I asked you to choose between love and money, what will you choose?

I have a friend who I look up to on spiritual matters. Born again, tongue talking, demon chasing, heaven bound, bible marking in red, black and blue biro… lolz. He got into a relationship with this beautiful damsel, who was his match in spiritual things. Whenever I’m priviledge to listen to this babe preach I rededicate my life over to Jesus again. I mean she is that deep. I used to wonder what a combo; this relationship must be made in heaven by the 24elders, 4living creatures and Trinity. *smiles*

 … It was a perfect relationship until one day, the lady told my friend “I am no longer interested” he couldn’t believe his ears. “What do you mean? He asked. Do you mean 7years just wasted like that?” he begged, cried, prostrated but this babe was adamant, my friend called his mentors, spiritual father, people they both respected to talk her through but she was resolved not to continue the relationship.

What happened? As at the time the lady was ready for marriage the guy wasn’t ready.  He was busy struggling to make ends meet. He Fasted, prayed, hoped, believed huzzled but no show. He couldn’t just afford a decent life, he was barely surviving. After a while, the lady met this young enterprising bachelor who was interested in her and to crown it all, he is saved and sanctified!

Here lies the dilemma; both are saved &sanctified, both are lovable, both are pastors… but one is rich the other is poor. Of course she eventually married the rich pastor and she is happy.
I met this my pastor friend months after their breakup, he narrated the whole story to me, then he quoted a scripture which am yet to find in the bible but that word has never left me… he said Soji! “IN ALL THY GETTINGS, GET MONEY.

If you ask me to choose between love and money, I will choose both! Is just like you asking me to choose between my leg and my arm. They both have different functions that are important for living, same with money and love.

I know you are spiritual and money is the least on your mind but you can lose a goodly, godly and ordained relationship if you lack money.
How much impact do you think you can make without money? In fact, you will be selfish if you don’t make a lot of money. How many children have you sent to school? How many orphans have you fed? Do you think your poverty can lead many to Jesus?

Let’s leave relationship and talk business. Do you know of any business you can start with 33,800 Naira and earn 1.6million monthly after 8months? Did I hear you say is not possible! I just discovered how. If you are tired of your present income and wish to double it… chat me up on +2347034488600

Soji David Lawal
Love &Wealth Coach

Friday 21 November 2014


Watch a motivational video that changed my life completely.I made a thousand dollar through this. Chat me up for details.

olawale AKADIRI,
LaRex Incorporated
Linkedin Facebook
Twitter  Google+ Instagram

Thursday 20 November 2014


Hello everybody. I just want to share a thought with you today. I noticed something that's like a trend among the sexes and would like to share a thing or two.

Ladies, you are creatures of Love. If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn’t want you, nothing can make him stay. Allow your intuition to save you from heartache. Stop trying to change yourself for a relationship that’s not meant to be. Slower is better. The only person you can change I  a relationship is you. Never live your life for a man before you find what makes you truly happy. If a relationship ends because the man was not treating you as you deserve then heck no, you can’t “be friends”. A friend wouldn’t mistreat a friend. Don’t settle, if you feel like he is stringing you along, then he probably is. Don’t stay because you think “it will get better”…You’ll be mad at yourself later for staying when things are not better. Okay, let me slow down a bit. I know there's no man that's perfect but there are good men out there.

Learn to maintain boundaries in how a guy treats you but respect him. If something bothers you, speak up in diplomacy and with courtesy. Never 'borrow' someone else’s man. If he cheated with you, he’ll cheat on you. A man will only treat you the way you ALLOW him to treat you. All men are NOT dogs. You should not be the one doing all the bending. compromise is a two way street. Personally, I believe if he wants you, He's going to wait till he marries you. Don't be scared that he's going to have it somewhere else. Why would he want to give himself to someone who he's not going to be with over a few organs. You need time to heal between relationships. There is nothing cute about baggage. Deal with your issues before pursuing a new relationship.

You should never look for someone to COMPLETE you. A relationship consists of two WHOLE individuals. Look for someone complimentary, not supplementary.
Dating can be fun, oh yeah it can be but try to be the answer to some of his questions and solution to some of his problems even if he doesn’t turn out to be The Mr Right you wanted. Be the best you can be. You're worth more than gold. When you finally meet The Man, you're in his life as a wife and not a knife, to build him up and not cut him down. God has placed so much power for productivity and fruitfulness in you. That's why He called you WOMAN- A Man with a womb.

Joshua ONAIWU,
The Joshwinterz Group.
Twitter: @iam_joshwinterz
Facebook: facebook.com/joshwinterz
BB Pin:270B1423

Tuesday 18 November 2014


Hello everyone, I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Well, mine was great. I travelled home and it was so glaring I changed environment. I slept more hours than I have ever done in a long time. But guess the funniest thing? That didn't stop me from receiving transaction alerts from the bank. I woke up yesterday morning with smiles because it was obvious I had received the money to pursue and achieve my dreams. It was obvious my extraordinary dreams will become reality. It was obvious prosperity was within my grasp. I was convinced the same thing happened to the other Finance & Health coaches because the system works in a way whereby everyone helps one another. Anyways, that discussion is for another day. In the next six paragraphs, read the biography of the facilitators of G.I.A.N.T.S Africa; a brand committed to make ordinary men live their extraordinary dreams.

Soji David Lawal is the CEO of D'Excelcutives Group of companies. An empire that take lead interest in almost every sector of Nigeria economy... ranging from MLM to Real Estate, Education, Banking,Transport to mention a few. He is the Chairman of G.I.A.N.T.S. AFRICA, a brand committed to make ordinary men live their extraordinary dreams. Soji hosts weekly breakfast Maverick Billionaires meeting. Soji David Lawal is an exemplary coach on Issues of Love. He is presently the National President of Kisses&Huggs club, under the leadership of Dunamis & Sophia Okunowo. (a club dedicated to raising sexually pure generation.www.kissesandhuggs.org). He also administers  a relationship page 'Hangout with SojLaw'. His mandate is to raise highly successful people.

Joel Oluwatosin Oguntegbe is the Chairman and CEO of JOLOG Group of Companies. A Conglomerate that has a touch in almost every sector of the Nigerian Economy ranging from Multilevel Marketing to Oil and Gas, Real Estate, Telecommunication, Banking, NGOs, to mention but a few. He is the Human Resource Manager of G.I.A.N.T.S. AFRICA, a brand committed to making ordinary men live their extraordinary dreams. Joel Oluwatosin Oguntegbe is an astute Leader, currently serving as The President of Kisses and Huggs Club LAUTECH chapter under the leadership of Dunamis and Sophia Okunowo (www.kissesandhuggs.org). He's also an International Recruiter and as well as a Life and Health Coach at TREVO LLC. Joel Oluwatosin Oguntegbe is an outlier, never settles for the norm. He strongly believes in creativity by understanding the fact that every single thing we see came from what we couldn't see. Above all, He's a God chaser.

Adepoju Kolade has been in business for a decade. He is a reputable young businessman. He is the Managing Director and Chief Operating Officer of the fastest growing company ACOLADE GROUPS that has various affiliates which includes Shipping, printing, real estate and business consultancy. He is also the founder of NIKOL FOUNDATIONS which is to help humanity. Kolade is a life and health coach at TREVO LLC AFRICA and he has a vision for his nation, Nigeria.

Olaoye Oladiran Oluwatosin is the Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of Hitmania Group of Companies amassed with boundless affiliates in major sectors of Nigeria including Agriculture, Transport, Music, Real Estate, Oil & Gas. He is the Marketing Manager of G.I.A.N.T.S AFRICA, an international cast managing the day to day activities & long term marketing strategy for the company in line with the company objectives. Olaoye Oladiran Oluwatosin is also the Chief Operations Officer of the fastest growing Music Industry HITMANIA RECORDS which helps in bringing to limelight young talented music artists. He is also a Manager in one of the fast moving construction companies 'DERONMBF' involved in the use of various earthmoving equipment for the construction of roads & bridges to mention a few. He is also an International Recruiter/ Life & Health Coach at TREVO LLC. Olaoye Oladiran Oluwatosin has a mission aimed at taking over the major sectors of successful businesses around the globe to achieve his vision of changing the lives of people.

Joshua Oghosa Onaiwu is a young and dynamic Nigerian entrepreneur. He is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of The Joshwinterz Group of companies, a conglomerate that borders on Real Estates, Agriculture, Multilevel Marketing, Charity, Fashion and Photography. He is the Senior Research Analyst for G.I.A.N.T.S AFRICA, an international brand committed to make ordinary men live extraordinary lives by providing platforms for the expression and profitable channelling of their gifts. Joshua is the current Arrowhead of Eden LAUTECH, a Christian Lifestyle + Entertainment Ministry under the leadership of Fela DUROTOYE, CEO of GEMSTONE GROUP and Visible Impact. Joshua Onaiwu is also an International Recruiter/Trainer for TREVO LLC, a company set to empower dreams by living healthy and prosperous lives. Joshua believes to have his success drawn from principles based on GOD's Word and advocates that self-discovery, which originates from Him, is the motherboard of genius which also stems from embracing the freedom and vast power of the mind to capture scenes of a purposeful life. Joshua enjoys writing and speaking on topics ranging from business to love, finance, entertainment success principles and even day-to-day life issues. He currently lives in Lagos, Nigeria.

Akadiri Olugboyega Olawale is a passionate photographer & cinematographer and he is rated among the 2014 World's Coolest Photographers on Twitter. He also specialises in helping people/ companies attract steady stream of ideal customers via website, social media, e-mails, location and search engines. His passion for Digital Marketing was recognized by Google and was awarded EMEA Business Award (Google Online Marketing Challenge 2014) in Dublin, Ireland. He is a certified Google Mapper, Google AdWords expert and presently undergoing Google Apps Educator certifications. He travels a lot, majorly based on business and at the same time, he learns a lot especially languages and culture. Olawale's dreams right from a tender age was to eradicate poverty in the process turning "NOBODY" to "SOMEBODY". This vision gave birth to Golden Era Trust Foundation; a non-profit organization commissioned to share love and raise up royalties and global leaders among the less privileged (ages 2-15). He is a motivational blogger and authour and has found blogging a mean to share his heart felt expressions to the world and to help save dying careers (www.successqualities.blogspot.com ). As a Digital Marketing Professional, Olawale holds vast experience in the strategic and tactical implementation of the following marketing techniques;
-Social Media Branding & Management
-Online Marketing Consulting
-Social Media Training
-Content Creation & Marketing
-E-mail Marketing
-Pay-Per-Click Advertisement & Retargeting.
On the web, Olawale can be found on Linkedin, Facebook, Google+, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Flikr and many more. He is fueled by good music, a relaxed atmosphere for work & an insatiable thirst for web technology.

We all welcome you to G.I.A.N.T.S Africa and applaud you for the bold steps towards financial freedom. For questions, suggestions, comments, observations etc, please send your mails to giantsafrica@gmail.com.

Best Regards!

Saturday 15 November 2014


Do you dream of living a fulfilled life? What if you could transform your life and the lives of hundreds or even thousands of other people? What if you could have fun while achieving what most people only dream about? That is positioning yourself for success, and that can be your lifestyle. Just as how leadership is measured by influence and the number of genuine followers a person has, success is also attained by the number of people you have assisted in climbing the ladder of achievement just the way you did and that is our aim.

Robert Kiyosaki, authour of the best selling financial book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" in his book titled "Business of the 21st century" said if he lost everything he has today and was to start all over again, he would definitely go into the networking business. I wonder why but found out that from research, "Networking" is the second highest paying business in the world as at 2014 after the professional soccer. At the same time, it is the fastest way to get your financial freedom through a legal mean. So tell me, what are you waiting for? Others are making billions from this, why can't you? If Joshua can make a million dollar in a month then I can make more, make much more and make very much more dollars. All you need is Believe!

All my life I always wanted to be a boss of myself. I remembered my first year in high school, I came across a student in his third year, he was also an entrepreneur and had a phone store. Due to my hunger for money, I decided working FOR him and he paid me weekly. After some months, he became inconsistent with his payment but expected me to be consistent with my service. This went on for a while and one day, I stood up with courage and made a bold decision. I decided to quit the job because it was affecting my academics and at the same time the payment wasn't good enough for the service rendered. I decided and said that day that I am the C.E.O of my body and therefore I will be the C.E.O of my business. That was the starting point (DECISION). I decided never to work under someone again and on that spot formed a company name (HayBest) for my self. On my Facebook page, twitter and other social media platforms, I updated my profile to C.E.O of HayBest Media (my former company name) and I held on to the faith without money. My point is, I sincerely don't believe in working under someone before you can make it in life. I havent seen anybody with two heads and I dont believe they exist. If Bill Gates is the C.E.O of Microsoft, Larry Page is founder of Google, Mark Zuckerburg is for Facebook then and they employed people to work for them, then I can be my own boss afterall I have one head just like them all.

I don't believe in salary, that's slavery! because even before you receive payment, you already know the date it will be paid, the amount to be paid, how to spend it and probably where to spend it. That's being a slave to money. "Money controls your actions and expenditures, you don't control money". True prosperity is when you control the movement of money in and out of your hand and not the other way round.

Yeah...yeah....I know you have lots of questions...like, how do you create your financial freedom and be the C.E.O/founder of your company? Is it possible to be financially free indeed? How long will it take me to reach a million dollar mark and more? Is this fraud? Is this real? Do you have proofs? And lots more questions... It's simple, network marketing is the simplest way to create your financial freedom. And today, I offer you the life you desire to live through TREVO!!!.

At Trevo, we want to help you put the style back into your lifestyle. We encourage you to live an extraordinary life of freedom without boundaries; living debt-free; living a joyful, prosperous and purpose-filled life where and how you choose. In the next post, we will unveil more about the procedures and other necessary things to know about Trevo and share testimonies of ZEROnaires who turned BILLIONaires through TREVO! Get ready for transition and always stay connected!

Best Regards!

Thursday 13 November 2014


Have you ever allowed your imagination to take flight and soar above your everyday existence; to IMAGINE what could be if money was no object? What would your life look like if your DREAMS and GOALS were a reality? Are you working to create a better world for others?

Believe me, it's time to position yourself for success! Join us on a history-making journey as we embrace our success principles and together, create a legacy of prosperity not only for ourselves but also for our global community.

I am tired of poverty, We are tired of poverty!!! Seven young entrepreneurs (business owners) from different locations of the world will anchor this blog and together will help eradicate poverty in the world thereby giving you a financial freedom that you deserve using a contemporary, simple, legal and unique method. But first, we need to build up a relationship. You need me and I need you so your cooperation, comments, suggestions, questions and ideas are fully welcome at every point in time. Share your ideas and opinions in the discussion box and never forget to share every post to every social media platforms.

Friends, I welcome you all to GIANTS! See You At The Top!